Martin Luther King
In 1955 a Baptist priest and Civil ownership Campaigner came to prominence during a black boycott of segregated bus services in Montgomery Alabama. His name was Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King
As a throwback to slavery, there were cut off drinking fountains for blacks and whites, coloured balconies in movie theatres and mandatory seats in the back of buses. King wanted desegregation and he established the Southern Christian Leadership Centre in 1957 to encourage black churches to work together to advance the cause of civil rights. King was involved in many sit-ins over the years and on 5th September 1958 Martin Luther King was arrested for loitering in Alabama.
In 1960 blacks began lunch counters sit-in campaign in the Us. 1963 was a very foremost year in the struggle for equal rights. Black civil ownership workers were murdered in Alabama and Mississippi and President John F Kennedy had to intervene when the Governor of Alabama tried to stop two black students taking their place at the University at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Peaceful protests were met by force and in September a bomb killed four black schoolgirls.
Martin Luther King made his famed speech "I have a dream" at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th 1963 to a crowd of 200,000 marchers made up of black and white habitancy in favour of civil ownership and equality for all. I quote "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live at the time worthy of its creed. We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.
King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 14th October 1964 in recognition for his work towards racial integration in the Us.
By 1966 Martin Luther King had started civil ownership work in Chicago. The Kings moved to a four room slum apartment in Chicago. King decided to experience the problems of slum life first hand as part of his gigantic anti-slum campaign.
On 4th April 1968 Matin Luther King was gunned down in Memphis, Tennessee, by James Earl Ray, an escaped convict. King was in Memphis to sustain a assault by the city's dustmen. By this stage his campaign had moved from representing the black society to all the poor of America. His funeral in Atlanta, Georgia was attended by 150,000 people, including representatives of the Us Government.
The Civil ownership Act 1964 addressed the issued of segregation and the Voting ownership Act 1965 allowed blacks to vote for the first time. Martin Luther King Day has been a national holiday in the Us since 1986.
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