Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Johnny Cash's Rockabilly Path Led In a distinct Direction

#1. Johnny Cash's Rockabilly Path Led In a distinct Direction

Johnny Cash's Rockabilly Path Led In a distinct Direction

When Elvis changed all in 1954 with his recording of "That's All Right" he charted a exact path for rockabilly music. Many artists that came after Elvis followed the trail he blazed and while they each brought their own style--call them diversions from the path--they pretty much blazed ahead in the same direction that Elvis pointed them. But not Johnny Cash. The man in black may have started from the same point that Elvis did (they both got their start on Memphis' Sun Records at essentially the same time), but he didn't waste any time in proving that he wasn't going to consequent anyone's path. Instead, Cash blazed a new trail all his own.

Johnny Cash's Rockabilly Path Led In a distinct Direction

Like Elvis, Johnny Cash began recording for Sun Records at the Memphis Recording aid studios (both the studio and Sun Records were owned and run by Sam Phillips) in 1954. Cash originally wanted to report Gospel music, but Phillips recognized that (again like Elvis) he had something special in Johnny Cash and steered him toward Rockabilly.

But Johnny, while he did report some superior rockabilly tunes, was all the time drawn much more powerfully toward country than Elvis was. So, while Elvis set off to originate rock and roll, Johnny headed off to redefine country music.

Johnny's early Sun recordings are like Elvis' in that they were sparsely arranged numbers featuring just Cash and his acoustic guitar, a stand-up slap bass played by Marshall Grant, and lead guitar played by Luther Perkins. But there the similarities ended. Johnny's recordings were far distinct than Elvis' and those that followed Elvis. His rockabilly numbers featured the classically understated lead guitar style that the dead-pan Perkins made famous. Perkins (no relation to rockabilly's Carl Perkins) didn't strive to bring excitement to the music the way most other rockabilly guitarists did. Instead he supplied a steady alternating bass line that speedily became Cash's signature sound.

Even in this early rockabilly, Cash never shook the country music that seemed to course through his veins and it speedily became clear that his path was genuinely going to be distinct than that of the rockers. After his first few great recordings (which met with varying degrees of success) Sun Records released what has become his signature song, "I Walk the Line" backed with the snappy "Get Rhythm" in early 1956. "I Walk the Line" sold over two million copies, peaked at #1 on the Billboard charts and stayed on the charts for nearly an entire year--an marvelous accomplishment.

The Man in Black prolonged to report for Sun for a merge more years and his successes continued, but again like Elvis, Cash became too big for the tiny Sun label to hold and he signed with Columbia in 1958. The rest is country music history.

So, while there were a lot of similarities in the early careers of Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, the differences became apparent very quickly. Elvis was an all-out rocker and has inspired untold thousands of rock musicians. Johnny on the other hand, played it more reserved and cool as he pursued his country and gospel aspirations. It's not too many people who would have been able to be thrown into the position of being a contemporary of the King of rock and roll and yet resist what must have been an titanic urge to consequent in his victorious footsteps. But Johnny Cash was just that kind of man. In his understated way, his nearnessy was every bit as superior as Elvis' and so it simply had to be that he would forge his own path in the music world. It's just other chapter in the marvelous story that rockabilly wrote.

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Magnificent Memphis

#1. Magnificent Memphis

Magnificent Memphis

The fun's always fresh and funky out here. Memphis is where you can expect to get thrilled at any time of the day. The birthplace of Rock n' Roll and home to the Blues, the city is an eclectic mix of many happy experiences and startling moments. A thoroughly charming city located on the water, you are bound to run into something novel colse to every corner. A chosen vacation destination for many across the country as well as colse to the world, the city is ever evolving and you happen to see new things and make fresh memories every time you land in here. Look at any nook and cranny of the city, something new and something moving awaits you.

Magnificent Memphis

There are world-famous attractions, uptown sights and a quirky nightlife. Being a popular holiday city, coming to Memphis is no question at all. The city is a perfect blend of everything that you can possibly desire. Inundating you with airfares galore, you can find your cheap flight to Memphis in a jiffy straight through online air voyage portals. A colorful city whose heart beats in a thousand sounds and sights, Memphis' verve and vigor is quite unparalleled. You'll naturally fall in love with its natural beauty, one that inspires much awe and amazement in one and all as well the urban landscape that'll have you mesmerized in no time.

Explore the city's past, go on a cultural expedition, taste the local foods and sense an authentic culinary, or take a walking tour of Memphis. everything that you do and see out here is not short of pure excitement. Enjoy fully staged musicals like the Vienna Choir Boys, the U.S. Marine Band, the Canadian Brass and others, know about the city's regional cotton history straight through museums, book yourself an inexpensive yet thoroughly fun-filled Mississippi riverboat tours, see goose bumps appearing on your skin at the voodoo shops, try astrology at a palm reader's place or have a great time at the Shelby Farms, the largest urban park in America. There's a lot to love about this city, courtesy the fact that it covered with attractions from head to toe. With a sea of moving moments to be explored and breathtaking encounters to be had.

Many pro-sport arenas, state-of-the-art stadiums and facilities, sporting events, film festivals, theatrical productions and opera nights, communal and private art exhibits,varied attractions of the city. Add to this, the rather long list of moving things to do and you know it is wise to spend time here.and many more cultural celebrations, they all form part of the Memphis magnetism. The other part happens to be the fact that it is an ideal haven for all budget travelers alike. Cheap hotels are spread all over, happy hours are extended in restaurants. There are ethnic eateries and discounted group excursions of surrounding areas, sales that last the whole year round and much more; happy vacations don't cost much out here. And, given the live performances, musical concerts and many more entertainment avenues, you'll be spending most of your after-the-sunset-time in the city staying up straight through the night.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Did You Know the Lake of the Ozarks Was Known As the Hub City?

#1. Did You Know the Lake of the Ozarks Was Known As the Hub City?

Did You Know the Lake of the Ozarks Was Known As the Hub City?

How can the Lake of the Ozarks be determined the Hub City? Wouldn't a place like Baltimore fit the bill more adequately? They're smack between Ny and Dc. Lake of the Ozarks? It's between... Something and something else.

Did You Know the Lake of the Ozarks Was Known As the Hub City?

Let's start with a exiguous 30 exiguous drive around the lake. Drive in any direction and you'll hit Ha Ha Tonka State Park, the Bagnell Dam, a 120 store facility outlet mall, trout fishing, Bridal Cave, Angels Showers waterfalls, the swinging bridges of Camden County, the cup tree on Highway 135 and even some Mennonite communities.

Expand that a bit to the full hour's drive and you'll run into the State Capitol, Harry Truman's home, Jesse James' hideout, Missouri Wineries tours, a Winston Churchill Memorial and the Bass Pro Shop.

A few more minutes past this centrally settled city, you'll run into Branson and Silver Dollar City, Daniel Boone's home, the Mark Twain National Forest, Columbia, Jefferson City and Springfield.

And then if you're willing to sit in your car for a few more minutes, you'll get to see the Arch in St. Louis, the Museum of Art in Kansas City, Beale road in Memphis, Walmart in BentonVille, the Clinton Presidential library in exiguous Rock, and maybe even Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Not to mention that there are 6 airports, 31 marinas, 2 social beaches, 15 golf courses, 4 house fun parks, 7 go-kart tracks in that short span, and the 92 mile lake invites thousands every year to this playground for the whole Midwest.

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