Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Strangest Jobs in the World

#1. The Strangest Jobs in the World

The Strangest Jobs in the World

In the result of the explore held by the employees of assorted internet tour portals, there were chosen 10 most strangest jobs in the world.

The Strangest Jobs in the World

- In Santa Barbara, California, in the Biltmore Four Seasons hotel, one can see a falconer, showing the guests a show with a hawk.

- In Zürich airport there are hunters working. They catch the animals and birds that have run away from passengers.

-On the Saint Thomas Island (Virgin Islands), in the Ritz-Carlton hotel there is the position of "coconut" safety engineer. He ensures that the falling coconuts do not disturb the rest of the hotel guests.

- In Helsinki one can come over the taxi drivers, whose cars are adequate with karaoke. Naturally, such a taxi costs more than a coarse one.

- In Memphis, (Usa), in Peabody hotel you can come over the duck coach. Among his duties is the arrangement of the ceremonial procession of his wards along the hotel - from roof to fountain.

- Japanese have invented the job of a traveler ambassador. These ambassadors are promoting their country in order to attract more tourists to it.

- In Paris there is a guide on the sewerage system. The name of the position tells all about his occupation.

- In the Legoland company (Carlsbad, California) there is a position of the professional Lego assembler. From the parts of preponderant construction set these population generate sometimes the entire landscapes.

- In the Amanbagh hotel (Rajasthan, India) there is a man occupying the position of monkey keeper, he keeps the primates off the eating tourists.

- In Venice there is a vice squad. Mainly, this squad calls upon the tourists who have stripped themselves too much, to return themselves the decent look.

There is someone else job that is not listed in this rating, but is positively worth of mentioning - it is the job of subway crowd pusher - that exists in the Tokyo subway, that is listed in singular because of the nearnessy of such employees - in the list of the top 10 of the most extraordinary world subways.

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