Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Prayer - The Transformative Principle of Life

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Prayer - The Transformative Principle of Life

"Enter into thine inner chamber... And shut thy door."
-Matthew 6:6 (King James Version)

Prayer - The Transformative Principle of Life

How Prayer Has Affected My Life

This message is the succeed of being asked to deliver a "timely speech" for the Monumental Baptist Church's Women's Monthly Prayer morning meal in Memphis, Tn.

Their scripture theme was:
2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anything is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; discern all things have come to be new."

I was asked to share "How Prayer has Affected My Life."

First, prayer in my life has been a direct communion to God the Father, straight through Christ Jesus. This communication has been in the "innermost" part of my soul. As many of you know, I sought to transform myself at age 49 - I spiritually "woke up." This was after my separation and after my children had left my home. The word transform means to convert from one form to another. For me, this meant realizing my childhood dreams to model and write books. This process started a new starting with help from the Divine Christ. I became a new mammal as I aligned myself up to God. However, I had to "let go" of people, places, and things and my negative mindset to reach my goals. Most of this negativity I had carried in my soul for 39 years. I developed the autoimmune insufficiency of fibromyalgia from suppressing my inner childhood dreams and suffered from this insufficiency for 10 years or more.

At this time, I would like to ask you: what are the most inner dreams within your soul? What are you willing, my dears, to let go of in order to accomplish your highest potential in this life?

My Spiritual Practice

My new found journey consisted of prayer/meditation, exercising, reading and listening to uplifting programs, eating salutary foods, and journaling (which activity became my second book). And then daily and nightly, I did what Matthew 6:6 says to do: "Enter into thine inner chamber...and shut thy door, pray to the Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret, shall repaymen thee." The word repaymen means to pay or pay back. My prayer in secret was to be able to "step into" my divine destiny and dream, as I envisioned it as a child. Can you go in secret to the Father from your "inner chamber" and get your payback for all your hard work?

Hard Work Pays Off

I started to come to be new or transformed by dropping my weight and negative emotions as I worked out and had my personal communion with the Father in secret.

I held confident thoughts about modeling at the age of 50 and writing books. There were many times I would sit and dream or image me writing or modeling for a magazine even though I wasn't there yet.

There is more to living and stepping into your dreams than dreaming, however. One must make a "Plan to Action." For me, the plan was to enter modeling school at 50.

As long as you are in Christ, there is no age limit on your success or dreams. Only you set limitations on you or discount your dreams because of age. Nonetheless, most say they cannot live and generate their dreams because they don't have the money, education, clothes, the right car, or any connections. Those are all excuses. Development excuses means that you are not trusting God to provide and open the doors for you. Your job is plainly to just say "Yes!" Don't use all the excuses that start "but," "I can't," or "I will tomorrow." Live in the now and say, "Yes!" to God and everything else will be totally in case,granted to you as you trust your God.

Trust God

The means to Living and Creating your Dreams are so simple. It's about your inner communion with God, from the "innermost" part of your soul. Then believe in your destiny and seek to transform yourself in every way significant to do what you and God would like you to achieve. You must understand that one has to "let go" of people, places, and things.

Then, of course, let go of your negative mindset about you and your life, world, and affairs. Forgive all who you think stopped your dreams and release that concept into the heavens. Then, move forward. You can do this - I did it and so can you. Last, put a "Plan to Action" for your dreams and ask the Father for guidance. Found a "Spiritual Practice" that is perfect for you and do it every day.

Dear one, then you step one foot in front of an additional one and succeed the big footprints (God's) in front of yours and apply Faith.

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